
Interesting projects, important new legislation or regulations, or news from Ingenium's internal kitchen? You'll find it on this page.

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Project in the spotlight: Technicum, the new faculty of political and social sciences at UGent
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Project in the spotlight: Technicum, the new faculty of political and social sciences at UGent

Ghent University's faculty of political and social sciences recently moved into the Technicum, located in Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat between the UFO and the student restaurant De Brug.
Renewable energy mandatory in renovation of large non-residential buildings
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Renewable energy mandatory in renovation of large non-residential buildings

Flanders imposes a renovation requirement for all non-residential buildings with a new owner as of Jan. 1, 2022. Large non-residential buildings must also use at least 5 percent renewable energy within the five years of purchase starting Jan. 1, 2023.
How to save on expensive drinking water? - cases Court of Saeys and New Docks
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How to save on expensive drinking water? - cases Court of Saeys and New Docks

In recent years it has regularly surfaced in our media: water is becoming a scarce commodity. There are various sustainable alternatives to save on expensive drinking water. The projects De Nieuwe Dokken in Ghent and Hof Van Saeys in Dendermonde are textbook examples of what is possible in this area.
Avoiding budget guesswork by charting the right data
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Avoiding budget guesswork by charting the right data

Technical operation: how to manage it more clearly? The operation of a building constitutes a major cost item from its completion. Expenses are mainly replacement investments, optimizations around comfort, energy efficiency and compliance with environmental requirements, including a gradual transition to CO2 neutrality. Efficient investment and cost management requires all-round data-based technical management of operations.
EU requires building management system for (medium) sized buildings by 2025
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EU requires building management system for (medium) sized buildings by 2025

Europe wants to be emission-free by 2050. Since the existing building stock is responsible for 36 percent of those emissions, that is where the key lies. Therefore, the EU mandates a smart building management system for medium- and large-scale buildings by 2025. Next steps may include SMART certificates and a Campus or Site Management System, where buildings exchange energy needs and surpluses.
Project in the spotlight: "Carousel Agriculture" KU Leuven
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Project in the spotlight: "Carousel Agriculture" KU Leuven

In the "Carousel Agriculture" project, the laboratories and offices of the KU Leuven Agricultural Institute are being redesigned. This with a renewal of all techniques.
Flanders resolutely opts for electric driving
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Flanders resolutely opts for electric driving

Like Ingenium, many of our customers are currently developing large-scale charging infrastructure for their current, as well as future, electric vehicle fleets.
Heat policy plan forms basis for local energy transition
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Heat policy plan forms basis for local energy transition

To be carbon-neutral by 2050, the Green Deal wants Europe to emit a net 55 percent less CO2 than in 1990 by 2030. Building heating plays an important role in this. A heat zoning map per municipality or area - now "inspiration map" - is a first step in preparing for the transition. For concrete policy, however, a heat policy plan is needed. What are the focal points in this? What role does psychology play in this story? And what is the link with mobility?
Nieuwe maatschap DEVI levert bouwkundig totaalontwerp voor industriële projecten
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Nieuwe maatschap DEVI levert bouwkundig totaalontwerp voor industriële projecten

Met de maatschap DEVI slaan 4 ervaren West-Vlaamse spelers in de bouwsector de handen in elkaar om sterker te staan in grote industriële (ver)bouwprojecten van Belgische en buitenlandse opdrachtgevers. “Onze klanten zijn technische mensen. Wij zijn dat ook. Zo is er snel wederzijds begrip”, vertellen Frederik Moortgat (Establis) en Bart Verplancke (Industrium).
Climate neutral buildings: an important key in solving climate problems
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Climate neutral buildings: an important key in solving climate problems

COP 26 in Glasgow will hopefully bring the attention of world leaders back to the gigantic challenge posed by climate transition. As a European organization, with top engineering companies in each country, the FIRST Q network definitely wants to do its part in making the building stock more sustainable, responsible for 40% of global CO2 emissions.
Typistenzaal Brepols: moderne technieken en authentieke elementen gaan hand in hand.
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Typistenzaal Brepols: moderne technieken en authentieke elementen gaan hand in hand.

Het gebouw met de imposante voormalige dactylozaal is nu een plek waar kunstacademies zich kunnen ontplooien. Samen met WIT architecten zijn we er in geslaagd om de moderne technieken op een subtiele, onzichtbare manier te integregen en zo de authenticiteit van het monument te bewaren.
Healthy air quality in buildings: adequate ventilation remains crucial
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Healthy air quality in buildings: adequate ventilation remains crucial

In all buildings where multiple people congregate - such as offices, schools, meeting and event spaces - healthy air quality is even higher on the agenda due to the corona pandemic. Are CO2 meters and air purifiers the solution to acute problems? And what about the long term?
Project in the spotlight: renewing the flywall at the Ancienne Belgique
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Project in the spotlight: renewing the flywall at the Ancienne Belgique

TTAS theater construction has been part of the Ingenium Group for over two years now. High time to highlight an exciting project: the renewal of the flywall at the Ancienne Belgique in Brussels. Most theaters make every effort to make their theatrical installations as invisible as possible to the public. That is why they are most often done in black. Ancienne Belgique, however, likes to put them - literally! - in paint. RAL3003 (ruby red) and RAL3017 (pale red) to be exact.
A heat strategy for Mechelen
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A heat strategy for Mechelen

Ingenium is helping the city government of Mechelen develop a heat strategy. With this, the city wants to be one of the forerunners in Flanders to initiate the heat transition. With a clear vision and a concrete action plan, the Mechelen building patrimony must be heated and cooled fossil-free by 2050. Therefore, Ingenium is making a series of heat-related maps for the entire territory of the city. These include the current and future heat demand, the existing heat supply in the city and an estimate of the renovation potential. Using these policy maps as a basis, we draw up heat zoning plans: a road map in which we propose concrete solutions to make each specific subarea of the city fossil-free in steps. For example, we examine where the application of a heat network could be interesting and where not.
Bruges climate plan in the spotlight
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Bruges climate plan in the spotlight

Ingenium is collaborating with VITO and Jorn Verbeeck (as expert team) and with the various departments involved of the City of Bruges in drawing up a 2030 climate plan for Bruges.
Cybersecurity audit also addresses OT risks
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Cybersecurity audit also addresses OT risks

Cybersecurity has been high on the agenda in recent years, especially among companies and organizations. At the IT level, the leaks have usually already been plugged, but when it comes to OT infrastructure, the risks are still too often underestimated. However, the continuity of business processes and the protection of personal information are crucial. A cybersecurity audit can reveal the areas for improvement. Over the last 10 years, in the field of cybersecurity in buildings, much attention has been paid to the pure IT infrastructure such as computers and printers. However, OT - operational technology - is still too often treated as a stepmother. However, the use of cameras, access control, fire detection and building management systems for cooling and heating that are connected to the network, among others, has increased dramatically. This makes OT infrastructure vulnerable to misuse. A lot of building managers or users are unaware of the potential risks of poor OT protection. For example, access control software contains personal data subject to the GDPR. A poorly secured camera system allows hackers to look around your building. It not only violates the privacy of those who walk around in it, but can also lead to physical break-ins and theft. Hacking the cooling or heating systems can cause a production facility to shut down. And these are just a few examples. Action is taken not only at the technical level but also at the organizational level. This is done according to the principle of Organizational Physical Electronic Notification Measures (OFEM). That OFEM principle can be applied in both the physical and virtual world.
Unique colorful residential project in Knokke-Heist
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Unique colorful residential project in Knokke-Heist

For the Hoost residential project in Knokke-Heist, Ingenium is responsible for the design of the techniques. The building will be fossil-free, all heating and cooling will be produced via a BTES and heat pumps. The project, based on a global concept by French architect Jakob MacFarlane, is being realized together with B2Ai architects and CAAAP -Artes Group. It will be an unprecedented colorful architectural construction in Belgium, apartments with terraces are mixed with houses with gardens in height. On the lower floors, public parts (municipal administration, police, ...) find their place. © CAAAP
Heat mapping & district heating simulation tool
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Heat mapping & district heating simulation tool

Our director innovation & sustainability Pedro Pattijn attended the IBPSA congress BS2021 in Bruges. There he gave a presentation on 'Heat mapping & district heating simulation tool'.
Interview Wim Boone: 'Smart City' kan niet zonder slimme gebouwen
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Interview Wim Boone: 'Smart City' kan niet zonder slimme gebouwen

In het gebouw van de toekomst wordt slim omgaan met energie van primordiaal belang. Niet enkel om economische en ecologische redenen, maar ook uit praktische overwegingen. De doorbraak van elektrische wagens en smart grids brengt immers enorme uitdagingen met zich mee. Zeker in een wereld waar de roep om comfort en efficiëntie steeds luider klinkt. Toch staan gebouwbeheerders en facility managers niet voor een onmogelijke opdracht. Met de intelligentie die tegen dan wellicht inherent aan de grotere gebouwen zal zijn, beschikken ze over een belangrijke tool om deze strijd aan te gaan.
The intuitive BIMvisible app
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The intuitive BIMvisible app

The intuitive BIMvisible app that Ingenium developed together with Savaco and In The Pocket puts BIM models 'on' the real situation via Augmented Reality in actual size.
Project Gevangenis Antwerpen
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Project Gevangenis Antwerpen

Het consortium Hortus Conclusus haalde de opdracht binnen voor het ontwerp, de bouw, de financiering en het onderhoud van de nieuwe gevangenis in Antwerpen. Ingenium staat samen met Hootmans architectuurbureau, ARCH & TECO en Bureau Bas Smets in voor het ontwerp.
Overheating in buildings: better prevention than cure
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Overheating in buildings: better prevention than cure

Wanneer we het te warm hebben, voelen we ons niet comfortabel. We beginnen te zweten, krijgen dorst en stress, en we voelen onze energie wegvloeien. Dit zorgt ervoor dat we heel wat minder productief zijn. Net daarom is het beperken van oververhitting een must in een nieuwbouw, maar ook bij ingrijpende renovaties.
Mandatory charging infrastructure for electric vehicles - What to consider?
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Mandatory charging infrastructure for electric vehicles - What to consider?

The popularity of electric vehicles has soared in the past year. The charging infrastructure urgently needs to keep up with this evolution. Therefore, the Flemish government imposes minimum standards for new construction projects and major renovations. Existing buildings must also have charging points by 2025. What do you need to consider when installing them now, and to be ready for stricter standards in the future?
Centralisatie biobanken UZ Leuven – KU Leuven garandeert kwaliteit van gestockeerd materiaal
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Centralisatie biobanken UZ Leuven – KU Leuven garandeert kwaliteit van gestockeerd materiaal

Om haar biobanken te centraliseren, bouwt UZ Leuven – KU Leuven een nieuwe faciliteit. In onderzoeksgebouw O&N4 (KU Leuven) op de campus Gasthuisberg wordt daarvoor een zone van 2.500 m² voorzien. De aanleg van een centrale biobank inclusief cryotheek vereist niet alleen professionele apparatuur maar ook een hoogperformante technische installatie.
Ingenium zet samen met Egnaton in op duurzame(re) laboratoria
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Ingenium zet samen met Egnaton in op duurzame(re) laboratoria

In maart 2021 was Koen Van Canneyt – onze Expert Cleanrooms & Laboratories – een van de sleutelspelers op het Egnaton Forum over laboratoria. Hij gaf toelichting op de Virtual Lab Tour in de nieuwbouwlaboratoria O&N1bis en O&N5 van de KU Leuven en nam deel aan een internationaal panel over energiereductie in labogebouwen.