
Climate neutral buildings: an important key in solving climate problems

Climate neutral buildings: an important key in solving climate problems

COP 26 in Glasgow will hopefully bring the attention of world leaders back to the gigantic challenge posed by climate transition. As a European organization, with top engineering companies in each country, the FIRST Q network definitely wants to do its part in making the building stock more sustainable, responsible for 40% of global CO2 emissions.

With this white paper "Path to Nearly-Zero Energy & Climate Neutral-Buildings," we want to inform and inspire the building community about the state of play in each country in Europe around climate neutral buildings. This paper proves that a lot of ground has already been covered. It also shows that the technological solutions exist and are already being implemented in practice in an economically viable way.

So it can be done, it is necessary, it only brings long-term benefits.

The white paper can be found below.

We are happy to help you in your issues regarding this. For more info contact Wim Boone: 050 40 45 30 or at wim.boone@ingenium.be.

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