Privacy Policy


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The Ingenium Group considers the protection of your privacy important. Accordingly, we strive to process your Personal Data in a lawful, fair and transparent manner.
When collecting and processing your Personal Data, we respect Belgian legislation on the protection of Personal Data, as well as the General Data Protection Regulation ("AVG").
In this Privacy Statement, we explain what information we collect about you, what we use that information for and to whom we disclose that information. You will also find in this Privacy Statement what rights you have and how you can exercise them.
In short, our Privacy Statement states that we collect your Personal Data:

  • Use only for purposes agreed with you.
  • Don't sell.
  • Careful securing.

If you have additional questions, or if you have suggestions or comments about any of the contents of this Privacy Statement, please contact us by sending an email or using the contact information listed above.


The Ingenium Group is the controller of Personal Data as reflected in this Privacy Statement.
Ingenium Group consists of the following companies:

  • Ingenium, with registered office at 8200 Bruges, Nieuwe Sint-Annadreef 23, company number 0436.815.150
  • Hoptimize, with registered office at 1170 Watermaal-Bosvoorde, Terhulpsesteenweg 185, company number 0679.741.059

Contact details:

This Privacy Statement applies to all services provided by the Ingenium Group and in general to all activities we perform.

Terms in this Privacy Statement】.

'Personal Data': personally traceable data, these say something directly or indirectly about you as a person (name, address, phone number...)
'Controller': the 'owner' of certain Personal Data. This can be the Ingenium Group itself, or a third party (for example, our customers).
'Processor': the person who actually processes the data.

What personal data do we process?

The Ingenium Group processes your Personal Data because you use our services and/or because you provide this data to us yourself.
Ingenium Group processes Personal Data of natural persons with whom we have, have had or wish to have a direct or indirect relationship in the future.
Thus, it concerns both the Personal Data of contact persons with customers and suppliers, as well as the contact persons with its potential customers and the Personal Data of potential employees.
The Ingenium Group may collect or obtain the following Personal Data from you:

  • Identity information (name, email address, cell phone number, position).
  • Personal details (age, gender).
  • Information related to your interests.
  • Data related to your academic curriculum (in the context of a job application).
  • Complaints you file or requests you make to us.

Why do we process personal data?

The Ingenium Group processes Personal Data for various purposes:

  • Delivering our services to clients.

We process identity and contact information of our customers, clients, their employees and other useful contacts in order to execute the agreement with our customers.

The purpose of this processing is our customer management. These processing operations are part of our legitimate interest as we wish to contact our customers' contacts efficiently.

  • Financial Administration.

We process identity and billing data in order to maintain our own accounting and billing records. On the one hand, this processing is part of our legitimate interest, namely the ability to maintain our records and obtain payment for the services we provide. On the other hand, the Ingenium Group is under a legal obligation to keep our accounting records.

  • Maintain our customer relationships.

The Ingenium Group wishes to maintain its customer relationship. For this reason, we may use your contact information to keep you informed of our activities that may be of interest to you or to invite you to events in which you may be interested.  

Sending such mailings to our customers is part of our legitimate interest and is also in the interest of our customers. Customers can unsubscribe from such mailings at any time.

  • Direct Marketing.

The Ingenium Group processes identity and contact data of prospects within the scope of direct marketing. It is part of our legitimate interest to process contact data of potential new customers. Sending newsletters to prospects is always based on their consent.  

  • Recruitment purposes.

Ingenium Group collects Personal Data for the purpose of recruiting new employees. This processing finds its legal basis in, on the one hand, the consent of the prospective employee and, on the other hand, our legitimate interest in recruiting the suitable candidate for a position.

Automated decision-making‍

The Ingenium Group does not make decisions on matters that could affect individuals based on automated processing.

Access by and transfer to third parties‍.

The Ingenium Group does not sell your Personal Data to third parties and only discloses it if necessary for the performance of our agreement with the customer or to comply with a legal obligation. Such recipients of your Personal Data may only use that information for the performance of the agreement between the customer and us. They do not have the right to use the data for other purposes. We enter into a processor agreement with the companies that process your Personal Data on our behalf to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your data.

Duration of processing.

‍TheIngenium Group will not retain your Personal Data for longer than reasonably necessary for the purposes stated in this Privacy Statement.

Confidentiality and security

‍‍TheIngenium Group undertakes to the best of its ability to take all reasonable measures to ensure the protection of your Personal Data through technical security measures so as to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification. The Personal Data provided to the Ingenium Group will remain stored with the Ingenium Group if necessary with the Processor on servers located in Belgium or the European Union.

Your Rights】.

‍‍Youhave the right to access, correct or delete your Personal Data. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your possible consent to data processing or object to the processing of Personal Data by the Ingenium Group. You also have the right to data portability. You may submit a request to us to send the Personal Data we hold about you in a computer file to you or to another organization named by you.
You may send a request to exercise one or more of the above rights to . To make sure that the request is made by you, we ask that you send a copy of the front of your identity card with it.
We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, in any case within 4 weeks.
Finally, we would also like to inform you that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.
Commission for the Protection of Privacy
Printing Press Street 35
Tel. 02/274.48.00
Fax. 02/274.48.35

If you have any further questions about our privacy policy, please contact us at