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New power grid prepares High Riles for fossil-free future
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New power grid prepares High Riles for fossil-free future

Residence domain the Hoge Rielen in Kasterlee wants to function fossil-free in the future. However, this has a major impact on electricity supplies. With a study of the energy distribution, we not only mapped out the pain points in the short term, but also made the installation ready for the future.
A digitally driven approach is the fastest path to achieving net zero buildings
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A digitally driven approach is the fastest path to achieving net zero buildings

In today's rapidly changing world, managing real estate is more challenging than ever. The industry is evolving at an unprecedented pace, confronting unique obstacles and changes that require our full attention and adaptability.
Energy masterplan maps out energy opportunities for large-scale renovation of Cinquantenaire Park and museums
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Energy masterplan maps out energy opportunities for large-scale renovation of Cinquantenaire Park and museums

The Parc du Cinquantenaire in Brussels, steeped in centuries of history and architectural diversity, is facing a large-scale renovation. This ambitious undertaking is driven not only by the need for restoration but also by the urgent need to meet climate goals. To this end, the development of an energy master plan plays a crucial role.
VEKA calls on Ingenium for update study cost-optimal E-level for non-residential new buildings
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VEKA calls on Ingenium for update study cost-optimal E-level for non-residential new buildings

For the Flemish Energy and Climate Agency (VEKA), Ingenium recently completed the study on cost-optimal levels in new construction of non-residential buildings. The conclusions are not only useful for the government but also allow us to provide even faster and more accurate advice to our clients.
New: Visualization tool offers building managers a clear path to carbon neutrality
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New: Visualization tool offers building managers a clear path to carbon neutrality

Ingenium has developed a new tool to guide organizations toward a carbon-neutral future. This tool provides clear insight into the investments needed to achieve specific sustainability goals.
VLAIO greening scan allows companies to examine the technical and economic feasibility of their investments
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VLAIO greening scan allows companies to examine the technical and economic feasibility of their investments

Is your company thinking of investing in an (industrial) heat pump, electric boiler, geothermal energy, heat network, ... but would you first like to investigate the technical and economic feasibility of this investment? Then you can contact Industrium to perform a greening scan.
Antwerp explores geothermal energy in public spaces for sustainable heating
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Antwerp explores geothermal energy in public spaces for sustainable heating

To achieve its sustainability goals, the city of Antwerp is fully committed to district heat networks. These heat networks serve as a sustainable solution for heating buildings within the city. However, not every location within Antwerp is suitable for the implementation of such heat networks.
The SRI catalog, an interesting checklist for integrating smart buildings
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The SRI catalog, an interesting checklist for integrating smart buildings

The decision to make a building intelligent is best made as early as the concept phase of a construction or renovation project. Yet technology can also be integrated incrementally afterwards. While this approach requires an accurate inventory of the possibilities, followed by a conscious choice of focal themes.
The Bijloke site in Ghent: Energetic transformation for a sustainable future
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The Bijloke site in Ghent: Energetic transformation for a sustainable future

The Bijloke site in Ghent, steeped in rich history and diverse architecture, presents a unique challenge in the quest for a sustainable future. The diversity in use, ownership and age of the buildings on the site makes energy optimization and fossil-free heating a complex task. Nevertheless, the City of Ghent and Hogeschool Gent joined forces to draw up a well thought-out plan, with special attention to the historical context and heritage value of the buildings.
Retrocommissioning identifies hidden problems (and thus can make money fast!)
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Retrocommissioning identifies hidden problems (and thus can make money fast!)

A building management system (BMS) makes life easier for the user/manager of a building. Or at least that should be the intention. All too often, however, we see that poorly adjusted installations and BMS result in a lack of comfort and/or considerable energy waste. Through retrocommissioning, we quickly detect hidden causes, provide quick wins and can advise on more sustainable choices for the future.
City of Ghent takes a sustainable approach in their concept to address the water sports court environment socially-spatially
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City of Ghent takes a sustainable approach in their concept to address the water sports court environment socially-spatially

The area around the Watersportbaan in Ghent comprises a large area with different purposes. This area originally had a great spatial quality but in recent decades that quality has come under increasing pressure due to a piecemeal approach.
How do you maintain the value of your professional real estate through the right sustainable choices?
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How do you maintain the value of your professional real estate through the right sustainable choices?

The Belgian (rental) market of professional real estate such as offices and retail properties is under pressure. The ample supply allows potential tenants to be more choosy. How can owners make their patrimony attractive, profitable and retain its value? Ingenium can help make buildings more sustainable, making the right choices in the short and long term.
Outdated patrimony? Don't wait for your user to leave!
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Outdated patrimony? Don't wait for your user to leave!

Hybrid works after corona, increasingly stringent government energy standards, higher user comfort requirements and the availability of higher-performance and more sustainable buildings for heating and ventilation, among other things. At the intersection of these are currently significant opportunities to make buildings 15 to 20 years and older CO2 neutral, and at the same time increase comfort.
How the right techniques and building envelope can lift your property to a higher rental segment
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How the right techniques and building envelope can lift your property to a higher rental segment

In the oversupply of offices and retail premises on the Belgian and certainly the Brussels rental market, rising energy prices are playing into the hands of non-sustainable premises. Moreover, an inadequate building envelope and outdated technical systems also reduce user comfort. Ingenium can help you make your patrimony more sustainable, and thus keep it attractive and profitable.
Creative infill basement provides original energy source in Brussels project
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Creative infill basement provides original energy source in Brussels project

Being given carte blanche, but having to take into account the limitations of an existing location. That was the challenge for the new infill of the BNP Paribas Fortis building on rue de la Broek in Brussels. The abundance of underground levels turned out to offer opportunities for creative solutions.
Global energy master plan gives East Limburg hospital opportunity to transition to renewable sources in phases
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Global energy master plan gives East Limburg hospital opportunity to transition to renewable sources in phases

The Sint-Jan campus in Genk, part of the Hospital Oost-Limburg (ZOL), today consists of approximately 100,000m² of floor space. In time, the hospital plans several more expansions. Several new buildings including a parking building, a new critical block, a new energy building, a new nursing block, ... will be added to the site.
Research into sustainable heat sources gives City of Bruges the insight to take steps toward a climate-neutral city in 2050
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Research into sustainable heat sources gives City of Bruges the insight to take steps toward a climate-neutral city in 2050

The Bruges Climate Plan 2030, put together with experts and local associations and entrepreneurs, was approved by the College and City Council in February 2022. The climate plan aims to emit at least 49% less CO2 by 2030. This as an intermediate step toward becoming a climate-neutral city by 2050.
Lettability of unsustainable offices comes under pressure
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Lettability of unsustainable offices comes under pressure

The corona crisis has accelerated the introduction of "the new way of working. This plays into the oversupply of offices on the Belgian and certainly the Brussels rental market. Rising energy prices are also playing against non-sustainable properties. Ingenium can help you make your patrimony more sustainable, and thus keep it attractive and profitable.
Energy plan or energy audit is a mandatory task for many hospitals
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Energy plan or energy audit is a mandatory task for many hospitals

With the entry into force of the new (strengthened) regulations for enterprises from the end of 2022, organizations are required, now more often than before, to have a conforming declared Energy Plan or Energy Audit. Hospitals are also mostly covered by these new regulations.
Smart charging infrastructure helps Mechelen in transition to climate neutral
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Smart charging infrastructure helps Mechelen in transition to climate neutral

The City of Mechelen has long been committed to the transition to a climate-neutral city. The electrification of mobility also plays an important role in this. The new urban peripheral parking lot Keerdok offered the opportunity to develop a completely new vision, with maximum use of renewable energy and the application of energy storage via 'vehicle-to-grid'. But the practical implementation raised many questions. Ingenium assisted the city council with both strategic and technical advice.
AG Insurance reinvents the workplace
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AG Insurance reinvents the workplace

Since the corona crisis, the view of office work has changed profoundly. Being physically present every day is no longer an obligation. AG Insurance went in search of a new way to organize its offices so that they remain attractive even for employees who work from home more often. For this 'Reinvent The Workplace' project, the HR department carried out a survey of the needs and wishes of the staff, and engaged an interior designer to draw them out.
How can you avoid overheating a building?
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How can you avoid overheating a building?

You can imagine. A new construction or major renovation often means thorough insulation of the envelope, large windows that let in lots of light, etc... All important things but have you also thought about limiting overheating of your building?
Stay, stretch or leave? What do you do when your office building is in need of sustainable total renovation?
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Stay, stretch or leave? What do you do when your office building is in need of sustainable total renovation?

The wide supply gives (potential) tenants of professional real estate such as offices and retail properties the opportunity to be more choosy. Therefore, when properties are due for a sustainable (total) renovation, owners have to choose: renovate, "buy time" or sell. Not only sustainable(er) techniques, but also changing needs due to home improvements, among other things, can be determining criteria. Ingenium can help make the right choice in the short and long term.
Proactive investment in sustainability makes Antwerp Police regional office futureproof even today
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Proactive investment in sustainability makes Antwerp Police regional office futureproof even today

Antwerp Police opened a new regional office along Bredabaan in Merksem at the end of 2022. Because building owner AG VESPA dared to look ahead in the design phase 8 years earlier and invest proactively in sustainability, the technical installations are still futureproof today.
Smart buildings, a step toward a sustainable future?
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Smart buildings, a step toward a sustainable future?

Smart buildings are increasingly making their way into the built environment, but can this make a building more sustainable? To answer this, it is important to know exactly what makes such a smart building "smart.