
Interesting projects, important new legislation or regulations, or news from Ingenium's internal kitchen? You'll find it on this page.

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CO2-neutral patrimony by 2050? Get your patrimony vetted in time!
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CO2-neutral patrimony by 2050? Get your patrimony vetted in time!

Besides the headaches of keeping the energy bill feasible in the short term, patrimony managers today are also awake to long-term questions such as, "How can we become CO2 neutral by 2050?" and "Is it still worth investing in our current buildings? Ingenium already offered answers to a government institution that had its extensive patrimony screened.
Knokke-Heist gets architectural and sustainable eye-catcher with HOOST
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Knokke-Heist gets architectural and sustainable eye-catcher with HOOST

A colorful and iconic eye-catcher, that will be the HOOST project on the Maes and Boereboomplein in Knokke-Heist. Ingenium lays important sustainable accents and relieves the contractors.
UZ Leuven, Gasthuisberg Campus on the road to a fossil-free campus
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UZ Leuven, Gasthuisberg Campus on the road to a fossil-free campus

The university hospital campus of Gasthuisberg was built in the late 1970s and has since been heated by a very large central boiler room of 42 MW on natural gas. This boiler room is one of the largest boiler rooms for non-industrial purposes in our country. Via an internal heat network, at a temperature of approximately 130 °C, all buildings on the UZ Leuven campus and part of the buildings of KU Leuven are heated. Given the age of this boiler room, it was time for a boiler room renovation.
Hydrogen, the energy carrier of the future?
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Hydrogen, the energy carrier of the future?

The Russian-Ukrainian war is putting additional pressure on the kettle of energy transition. Our customers are also increasingly looking for alternatives to fossil fuels. The question of whether hydrogen can also play a role in their projects is becoming increasingly louder. Is hydrogen really the panacea for all applications? To get everyone moving in the same direction, Ingenium developed a strategy and vision based on various national and international sources.
KMSKA reopens its doors after 11 years following comprehensive restoration and expansion
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KMSKA reopens its doors after 11 years following comprehensive restoration and expansion

On Sept. 24, 2022, the Royal Museum of Fine Arts reopened its doors. The museum closed in 2011 for a comprehensive restoration and expansion. Ingenium assisted het facilitair bedrijf of the Flemish Government during the completion process.
ASTER also gives social tenants access to cheap Flemish solar power
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ASTER also gives social tenants access to cheap Flemish solar power

After a pilot project, ASTER cv will start the largest solar panel project ever in Flanders in September: the installation of installations on 50,000 social housing units. This will give some 150,000 residents of social housing access to solar energy produced on their own roofs. Ingenium is closely involved in this project and is assisting ASTER as a consultant on numerous technical issues both during the design, the competition, the technical due diligence and during further development.
GIS is increasingly being used for complete energy concepts
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GIS is increasingly being used for complete energy concepts

GIS - geographic information system - is being used for more and more applications. After all, the transition to renewable energy systems requires solutions that are also integrated into the rúimere environment of a building or site.
Fifth-generation heat networks - heating and cooling of the future?
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Fifth-generation heat networks - heating and cooling of the future?

We all feel it: energy is an increasingly important issue in our lives. Due to its impact on the climate and recent geopolitical events, fossil fuels are no longer sustainable in the future. The energy crisis we are headed for is a part of the news almost daily. In this article, we discuss one of the options for dealing with it sustainably.
Making building managers' lives a good deal easier? We do that with BIMvisible and the digital vault!
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Making building managers' lives a good deal easier? We do that with BIMvisible and the digital vault!

Antwerp Police Zone will be housed in brand new Master Building starting in 2023
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Antwerp Police Zone will be housed in brand new Master Building starting in 2023

Starting in 2023, the Antwerp Police Zone will be housed in a brand new Master Building. The very diverse function make the building quite complex. Ingenium guides and advises AG Vespa on all (complex) technical issues in the building.
Thorough renovation makes large hall of Kursaal Oostende multifunctional
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Thorough renovation makes large hall of Kursaal Oostende multifunctional

The main hall of the Kursaal in Ostend will forever remain the place where Arno performed his final chord before more than 2,000 seated fans. Within this almost mythical setting, Ingenium is conducting a study for an ambitious reconversion. In the future, the client wants to turn it into a multipurpose hall where a seating stand of 1,480 people can be flexibly and easily transformed into a flat floor for at least 2,800 standing people. The level of the stage will be about 3 meters higher than today, giving the standing audience a view of the sea.
Our help for your energy
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Our help for your energy

At Ingenium and Industrium, our energy experts conduct many studies to make existing and new buildings and sites as sustainable as possible. In this article, we list some interesting possibilities for your building.
Large-scale charging infrastructure for EVs - invest smart and forward-looking
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Large-scale charging infrastructure for EVs - invest smart and forward-looking

To enable and accelerate the electrification of the car fleet in Flanders, there is a need for more charging stations. Companies can also play an important role here. But besides incentives, there are also pitfalls. Making well-considered choices today, however, avoids problem situations in the future.
Energy sharing is the new way to counter rising costs
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Energy sharing is the new way to counter rising costs

Anyone generating electricity with their own PV system could only go two ways with it until recently: preferably consume as much as possible themselves, and then inject any surplus back into the grid. However, energy sharing makes a third solution possible, which has a positive impact on energy bills.
Potential of Antwerp Ring for heat grid mapped out
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Potential of Antwerp Ring for heat grid mapped out

Within the framework of the 'Over de Ring' project - the study of the livability and roofing of the Antwerp Ring - the City of Antwerp also commissioned a 'water & energy' study. Ingenium was responsible for the heat networks section.
Save time, pennies and quality with framework contract for low-voltage installations
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Save time, pennies and quality with framework contract for low-voltage installations

Those who manage buildings on diverse sites must follow public procurement laws when expanding or renewing technical facilities. However, this can be done faster, cheaper and without sacrificing quality. How? With a framework contract.
Making your building heritage carbon neutral by 2050? We'd love to help!
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Making your building heritage carbon neutral by 2050? We'd love to help!

Together with building managers, Ingenium is taking up the challenge of making buildings carbon neutral by 2050. Besides the strict requirements imposed by Europe and the Flemish Government, important additional incentives are the long-term depreciation in value if no action is taken and the sharply increased energy prices that are already driving up facility costs.
Inspirational heat map launched!
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Inspirational heat map launched!

On 29/03, the Inspiration Map Heat was launched by the VVSG: Ingenium collaborated on this map, as a member of the WarmteWerkt consortium. With the help of this website, each Flemish municipal or city council can quickly view the heat demand, now and after renovation, and the energetic potential of individual and collective heat solutions for a desired sub-area, as part of the local energy transition.
Extra attention to fire safety in parking lots with electric vehicles
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Extra attention to fire safety in parking lots with electric vehicles

The growing number of electric vehicles in Belgium raises questions about fire safety in parking lots. The "Rule of Good Workmanship - Fire Safety" from vzw Fireforum already anticipates a new RD and is a good guide to take preventive measures.
Ingenium wins innovation award with BIMvisible at 'Belgian Construction Awards'
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Ingenium wins innovation award with BIMvisible at 'Belgian Construction Awards'

The Belgian Construction Awards, organized by bouwkroniek, aims to highlight and reward the craftsmanship of the construction industry. With the BIMVISIBLE APP, we achieved a great second place in the Innovation Process/IT category.
Ingenium collaborated on ambitious Climate Plan 2030 in hometown of Bruges
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Ingenium collaborated on ambitious Climate Plan 2030 in hometown of Bruges

On February 21, the Bruges City Council approved the 2030 Climate Plan. Ingenium was part of the Panel of Experts that calculated what the city needs to be climate neutral by 2050.
Project in the spotlight: renovation of Schouwburg Kortrijk
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Project in the spotlight: renovation of Schouwburg Kortrijk

The Schouwburg in Kortrijk is an important cultural hotspot, which is now undergoing a thorough renovation. Important architectural points of attention in the renovation and conversion are: accessibility, a new theater, sustainability and creativity with attention to heritage value.
Project in the spotlight: Technicum, the new faculty of political and social sciences at UGent
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Project in the spotlight: Technicum, the new faculty of political and social sciences at UGent

Ghent University's faculty of political and social sciences recently moved into the Technicum, located in Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat between the UFO and the student restaurant De Brug.
Renewable energy mandatory in renovation of large non-residential buildings
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Renewable energy mandatory in renovation of large non-residential buildings

Flanders imposes a renovation requirement for all non-residential buildings with a new owner as of Jan. 1, 2022. Large non-residential buildings must also use at least 5 percent renewable energy within the five years of purchase starting Jan. 1, 2023.
How to save on expensive drinking water? - cases Court of Saeys and New Docks
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How to save on expensive drinking water? - cases Court of Saeys and New Docks

In recent years it has regularly surfaced in our media: water is becoming a scarce resource. There are various sustainable alternatives to save on expensive drinking water. The projects De Nieuwe Dokken in Ghent and Hof Van Saeys in Dendermonde are textbook examples of what is possible in this area.