
Energy master plan lays out trajectory for Internal Climate Plan of Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer

Energy master plan lays out trajectory for Internal Climate Plan of Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer

Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer (AWV) asked Ingenium to draw up an energy master plan for their technical infrastructure. This master plan proposes a concrete route to achieve the objectives of the Internal Climate Plan of the Flemish Government. In addition, AWV has specific opportunities, such as a very large possession of land and adjacent infrastructure, which makes additional actions possible.

Energy consumption analysis and estimation of potential renewable energy

To create a concrete and realizable roadmap, the first step of Ingenium is to map the current situation. The objective is refined, energy consumption is analyzed and the available land of AWV is mapped more precisely for all of Flanders.

By also mapping the lands and consumers of AWV, and the environment in which and on which they are located, it is possible to estimate what renewable energy production is possible. For example, Ingenium determined a very large theoretical potential for PV installations.

However, a calculated potential is still far from an installation realized in reality. Therefore, we went a step further, outlining the legal framework conditions, both for in-house management of the installations and possibilities for leaving this to third parties. Finally, financial profitability was also mapped, for the full range of installation types and varying energy prices. Again, everything seems to point to favorable results, especially with higher energy prices and near proprietary infrastructure such as tunnels.

Break down master plan into a roadmap

After mapping, it is possible to map out a roadmap to this objective.

AWV was already strongly committed to reducing the energy demand of the technical infrastructure in recent years, especially through modifications to public lighting. Even now, decommissioning projects are still underway.

With these measures, AWV just meets the target, according to our forecast, although the very large potential for PV installations prompts a broader plan. AWV is now looking at the continuation of this path.

Would you like more info on creating a master plan? Would you also like to make your site more sustainable? Feel free to contact thomas.koch@ingenium.be or call 050 40 45 30.


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Thomas Koch

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