
Designing only fossil-free buildings

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Designing only fossil-free buildings

Since Jan. 1, 2023, large new projects of 5 or more residential units or non-residential buildings will no longer be allowed to connect to the natural gas grid. From 2025, no new construction projects will be allowed to connect to the gas grid, so every new building must be heated fossil-free.

At Ingenium, we think: this can be done better. After all, today the majority of buildings and projects for which we design the technical systems are already heated by heat pumps or via a connection to a sustainable heat network.

Through a veritable internal "Ingenium Group fossil-free" conference, our employees unanimously decided late last year that from now on we will design only fossil-free buildings by default.

Feel free to contact our experts for more info on fossil-free heat in your project, or how your existing building, site or building heritage can be heated fossil-free. Email info@ingenium.be or call 050 40 45 30 for your questions.


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