
EPC NR now mandatory when transferring or leasing a non-residential building

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EPC NR now mandatory when transferring or leasing a non-residential building

A new label has recently come into force to slowly but surely move buildings in Flanders towards carbon neutrality: the non-residential EPC. What exactly this means and when it will apply to you, you can find below.

What is an EPC NR?

An EPC NR (Non-Residential Energy Certificate) is a document that shows the energy efficiency of a building. This certificate applies to non-residential buildings such as offices, schools, stores, hospitals,... It indicates current energy efficiency and carbon neutrality and shows the potential for energy savings and renewable technologies.

The EPC NR consists of 2 parts, which complement each other:

  • an energy label: a calculated percentage of renewable energy in the energy consumption of a nonresidential building (heat and electricity)
  • an energy score: a sensitizing theoretical key figure that reveals the potential for energy savings and allows comparison of different nonresidential buildings.

The share of renewable energy (AHE) is the ratio of the amount of renewable energy generated and used locally (= numerator) to the total amount of energy used by the building unit (= denominator). Measurement data measured by a compliant meter without interruptions for a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 5 years must be available for this purpose.

The result is a percentage paired with an energy label from G to A .

Who should have an EPC NR?

These new EPC regulations will be implemented starting this year. The EPC for public buildings was replaced by the EPC for non-residential buildings (EPC NR). The EPC NR is now mandatory for the transfer (sale, long lease, building lease,...) and rental of any non-residential building (public and non-public) larger than 500m². It does not apply to buildings of industry or agriculture.

Beginning in 2025, the EPC NR will become generally mandatory for non-residential buildings larger than 1,000 m², including those without transfers or rentals. This means that every large non-residential building must have an EPC NR by January 1, 2025. For nonresidential public buildings, this advances to 2024. From then on, the existing Public EPCs will no longer apply. From then on, all non-residential public buildings must have an EPC NR. All non-residential non-public buildings smaller than 1000m² must have an EPC NR starting in 2026.

A new version should be prepared every five years. The owner, leaseholder or superficies holder is responsible for the formatting.

As of 2030 (public institutions: as of 2028), a certain energy label will have to be obtained, the threshold of which has not yet been established. There are currently no requirements for the energy score, this is purely an awareness-raising component.

Would you have liked more info on an EPC NR in your situation? Contact our expert Arthur Ackermans at arthur.ackermans@ingenium.be or call 050 40 45 30.


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Arthur Ackermans

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