
Ingenium collaborated on ambitious Climate Plan 2030 in hometown of Bruges

Ingenium collaborated on ambitious Climate Plan 2030 in hometown of Bruges

On February 21, the Bruges City Council approved the 2030 Climate Plan. Ingenium was part of the Panel of Experts that calculated what the city needs to be climate neutral by 2050.

By committing to the European Covenant of Mayors in mid-2020, City of Bruges was given two years to develop a climate plan. The plan stipulates that the city wants to reduce local CO2 emissions by half by 2030 and be a completely climate neutral city - with no net CO2 emissions - by 2050.

The focus is on 7 bridge(s) to tomorrow, which rely on 20 substantive pillars that in turn are built from some 200 concrete actions. The "BrugesToMorrow" are:

  • Fossil-free heating
  • Renewable energy
  • Moving smart, healthy and fossil-free
  • Climate-friendly and circular business Bruges tastes (on the impact of food on the climate)
  • Climate resilient city (on water storage and using nature to cool the city)
  • Climate neutral future for all (on the participation of all residents to achieve the goals).

Ingenium was part of the Panel of Experts measuring the ambitions of the Climate Plan. Given our expertise, it was obvious that we collaborated on the sections heat (generation and distribution of heat to heat buildings renovations), solar energy and wind energy.

Through backcasting and forecasting, we arrived at various scenarios that we substantiated with quantified and thus measurable goals and actions. From these, the city council was able to make the choices included in the final climate plan.

Ingenium does not like to remain on the sidelines when social choices for the future are on the agenda. The additional expertise we have gained with the climate plan in our home city of Bruges is, of course, also useful and usable for other local governments that want to move towards a climate-neutral future.

Want to know more about the Bruges 2030 Climate Plan and/or its potential applications for other cities and towns? Then contact Nicolas Vyncke, Chairman Ingenium, at 050 40 45 30 or nicolas.vyncke@ingenium.be.


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Nicolas Vyncke

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