
Inspirational heat map launched!

Inspirational heat map launched!

On 29/03, the Inspiration Map Heat was launched by the VVSG: Ingenium collaborated on this map, as a member of the WarmteWerkt consortium. With the help of this website, each Flemish municipal or city council can quickly view the heat demand, now and after renovation, and the energetic potential of individual and collective heat solutions for a desired sub-area, as part of the local energy transition.

How will you move forward with this?

Ingenium has all the knowledge to assist you in the further development of a local heat strategy. We have already assisted Mechelen and Bruges, two forerunners in Flanders who are cooperating within the European SHIFFT project. Over the past year, we have worked with the city of Mechelen on their own local heat strategy, linking heat demand maps to an inventory of local available heat sources.

In addition, we worked on a local heat coalition and determined heat master plans for three energetically interesting zones in the city (Mechelen-North business park, the Mechelen Vesten, large-scale new city district Ragheno). Finally, we made a consideration framework for making the city's own building heritage fossil-free.

Heat zoning plan Mechelen (Ingenium)

On behalf of the city of Bruges, we worked on a feasibility study for a heat network in the historic city center.

Feasibility study heat grid downtown Bruges

For more info on how to use the Inspiration Map for your own city or town, and how we can work with our partners to assist you with your local heat strategy, contact thomas.koch@ingenium.be.

Ingenium, along with our established partners, has experience in such areas as:

  • Drafting local heat strategy
  • Inventory of local (residual) heat sources
  • Guidance on setting up local heat coalitions
  • Building heritage screening and fossil-free renovation strategies
  • Feasibility studies for building renovation and sustainable heat concepts (heat pumps based on various renewable heat sources, biomass, waste heat, micro-heat networks, district heat networks,...)
  • Preparation of energy master plan for newly developed urban districts and business parks
  • EPC and ESCO facilitation.
  • ...


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Contact our expert

Thomas Koch

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