Bioversneller II
Bioversneller II is the next phase of the Bioversneller site at Zwijnaarde.
ClientBio-acceleratorDesigner / ArchitectSum Gent Architecture & EngineeringLocationGhentBudget techniques3,500,000 EUR (excl. VAT)Surface area7,000 m²Period study: 2011 - 2012
Bioversneller II
Bioversneller II is the next phase of the Bioversneller site at Zwijnaarde.
Phase 1 of the project was commissioned in 2010 by the company Ablynx for research on nano-bodies. This first project included 13,000 m² of office and laboratory space and was also supervised by Ingenium. A greenhouse was constructed on top of the Bioversneller II building for research on rice grains for the main user Cropdesign. Cropdesign is a plant biotechnology company that develops innovative methods to improve agricultural crops.
In addition to traditional techniques, the building also offers compressed air distribution, steam production and distribution of autoclaves for laboratory application, overpressure and underpressure control and HEPA filtration in laboratories. Heat and cold production includes the use of a heat pump. Ingenium also performed EPB reporting for this project.
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