
Monitoring air quality increases energy efficiency and employee productivity

Monitoring air quality increases energy efficiency and employee productivity

That humans exhale CO2 is a simple law of nature. However, independent studies show that excessive concentrations of CO2 in indoor spaces negatively affect employee productivity and can increase absenteeism. For those renting or leasing offices, however, temporary or continuous air quality monitoring can provide rapid problem detection and permanent quality work comfort.

Property managers and users have been trying for years to keep the cost per square foot of offices as low as possible. An important factor in this is energy consumption. Through energy monitoring, we measure the consumption of the various installations. Based on the results, we give advice on improvements to the hardware or on a better adjustment that positively affects consumption.

Importance of air quality underestimated

For WELL and BREEAM, air quality has long been an indispensable parameter in the pursuit of healthy offices. Studies into the effect of increased CO2 concentrations on thinking workers report, among other things, increased blood pressure, higher stress levels, faster breathing and a decline in cognitive performance. Over time, these symptoms can lead to absenteeism, which is obviously an avoidable cost.

In practice, we find that office managers and tenants do not immediately get to grips with this health factor. In the meantime, however, measurement techniques and instruments have evolved to such an extent that we can do extremely accurate monitoring of air quality. Sensors are installed in various places and linked together so that we obtain reliable measurement results.

Temporary or permanent monitoring

Air quality measurement can be temporary, so that we can identify acute problems and formulate recommendations on adjustments to the installations or their adjustment. Permanent monitoring is also possible. The advantage of this is that the building landlord can demonstrate the expected air quality to the tenant at any time, and can intervene immediately if a problem is nevertheless detected. The measurements also make it possible to quickly answer questions from potential tenants about the maximum capacity of an office space. After all, the tenant must ensure adequate air distribution for its employees, but it is the landlord who must guarantee that the ventilation is supplying enough fresh air for the maximum number of people present in the space.


Tracking energy consumption and monitoring air quality are not an either-or, but an and-and story in the evolution toward smart officebuildings. Healthy employees perform better, and good air quality reduces absenteeism. With today's technology, we can monitor in fine detail, formulate targeted recommendations for improvement, and provide upgrades to facilities through engineering.

For more info on an air quality measurement in your building(s), contact our expert Wim Boone at 050 40 45 30 or wim.boone@ingenium.be


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Wim Boone

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