
ELISE management tool simplifies job of building managers

ELISE management tool simplifies job of building managers

ELISE makes the job of patrimony managers a lot easier from now on. The digital management tool was developed jointly by Ingenium, Freestone and the Flemish government with VLISOG as the driving force. It brings together all documents, possible and necessary actions, the urgency of those actions and the associated costs in one visually attractive dashboard. It makes efficient reporting and thoughtful decision-making much easier.


ELISE stands for Energy and Life Integrated in a Sustainable Environment. Quite a mouthful, but the modern building manager must be a jack-of-all-trades in his field and must be able to change gears both proactively and reactively in order to optimize the real estate under his management. The challenges are not minor: following up on complex legislation and managing contracts, directing one's own staff or third parties in facility tasks, conducting targeted surveys and drawing appropriate conclusions from them, and informing those in charge of needs and budgets.

ELISE brings together various subfields and themes. Energy" stands for energy care, regulations, climate plans and energy management (cfr. ISO50001) while "Life" refers to comfort, physical and fire safety and safe working conditions. Sustainable' refers to sustainability actions and refers to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Attention to the environment and location, among other things, is contained in 'Environment'. Integrated' stands for the joint treatment of needs and findings from technical and strategic asset management.

Assist the building manager on 3 levels

First, a summary table is created in ELISE. This contains, on the one hand, static elements such as contracts, as-built plans and other documents needed in the management of the property. On the other hand, there are dynamic documents such as reports of inspections, maintenance and risk analyses. The summary table lists as many of these documents as possible according to EN 15221, the basic standard for facility management. It allows the building manager to:

  • gain insight into the documents that are important in carrying out his assignment
  • fulfill the legal obligations associated with that assignment
  • manage the designated audits on the building
  • get an overview of the various types of installations in its office building(s) and identify maintenance needs
  • Identify where action needs to be taken
  • and also determine the frequency of certain actions.

A good starting point is to evaluate the status of the patrimony. To this end, various types of surveys can be conducted. The NEN2767 condition measurement (which examines the architectural and/or technical condition of the property), the security and safety (fire) scan, the conformity investigation and the investigation of the accessibility and physical or technological end-of-life status of equipment, identify necessary actions associated with risks in the use and the property status of the building. Rather, an energy audit looks at opportunities to improve energy performance. The connectivity survey - which examines the extent of public and/or private (wireless) communications in a building - can be counted among the two types.

The advantage of ELISE is that all this information - which used to be often fragmented, in various locations (in internal departments as well as externally), and in various forms - is now brought together in one place and assessed in a structured way according to MoSCoW principles.

For reporting, for example, to governments that own the patrimony and political decision makers who allocate available budgets, a management summary can also be created in a simple way.

Data become visual

The potential investments that come out of the surveys, retained in the summary table, are then put into a dynamic dashboard. This takes the form of an Excel pivot table. The relevant data from the summary table are condensed into simplified tables and various forms of diagrams. By adjusting parameters such as asbestos risk, location, etc., the impact of possible choices on the budget and timing becomes immediately visible. This makes it clear at a glance what the priority investments are, in which years they can best be tackled and how much budget needs to be released for them in each year.

Project issue list

The third layer is the project issue list. The projects selected based on the info and simulations from the dynamic dashboard are included in it as to do's. Thus, projects that are not urgent or for which there is no budget in the short term do not appear in this list. The project issue list contains a concrete description of the project, the person(s) responsible (internal or external) for its implementation and the timing of the actions. It is a useful tool for tracking concrete projects from a to z.

ELISE ensures that complex data that used to complicate the decision-making process are now visually appealingly presented, and can be efficiently managed and used to make and follow up on thoughtful decisions, both short- and long-term.

The first version of ELISE is aimed at office buildings. Later extensions can be made to other types of buildings such as in the medical, cultural and tertiary sectors.

Then feel free to contact Geert Verhelst at 050 40 45 30 / geert.verhelst@ingenium.be


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Geert Verhelst

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