
Heat mapping & district heating simulation tool

Heat mapping & district heating simulation tool

Our director innovation & sustainability Pedro Pattijn attended the IBPSA congress BS2021 in Bruges. There he gave a presentation on 'Heat mapping & district heating simulation tool'.

Heat mapping

Heat mapping is the creation of a heat zoning map. This is defining the most economically interesting option for sustainable heat supply based on the expected future heat demand for all buildings in a city. The map includes a division of the buildings into categories: collective heating, individual heating,... .

District heating

District heating is to conduct a technical-financial feasibility study for a heat grid and heat grid design.

Pedro Pattijn's presentation can be downloaded below.

For more info contact Thomas Koch: 050/40 45 30 or at thomas.koch@ingenium.be and Joris Dedecker at joris.dedecker@ingenium.be.

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