
Smart buildings, a step toward a sustainable future?

Smart buildings, a step toward a sustainable future?

Smart buildings are increasingly making their way into the built environment, but can this make a building more sustainable? To answer this, it is important to know exactly what makes such a smart building "smart.

What is a smart building

Smart buildings or smart buildings are equipped with technologies aimed at optimizing the use of that building. Through sensors, data about the use of the building is collected. This data is analyzed and used to automate processes. This can be combined with a variety of other smart devices and systems, such as lighting, heating, ventilation, security and access control. The data collected is also shared with the user so he can take necessary actions remotely.

Data analysis at a smart building

An important part of these technologies is the collection and interpretation of the data collected. By collecting and analyzing data correctly, energy can be managed more efficiently, security increased and overall user experience optimized. This results in better performance in all areas, ultimately saving money as well.

Data is collected through sensors and other measuring devices, making data available on such things as energy consumption, temperature, occupancy and security of the building. This gives the building owner or manager insight into how the building is being used and where improvements can be made.

However, collecting data is not enough to improve the performance of a smart building. It is also important to interpret this data and take appropriate actions. Through analysis of the data, inefficiencies and problems can be identified and resolved, improving the performance and efficiency of the building.

An example of the importance of data interpretation in smart buildings is when it is noticed during this analysis that certain meeting rooms remain unused. This space can be re-evaluated and can be filled by another function. Lighting and heating systems can also be monitored when they are being used. Through automation, unnecessary energy consumption can be avoided. This data analysis can also be useful for security systems. The building can be automatically locked at a certain hour, access cards can prohibit certain areas, ...

How do I measure how "smart" my building is?

Determining how smart a smart building is effectively requires an indicator. This identifies several things: the capacity of a building (section) to adapt its operation to the needs (health, comfort, well-being) of the occupant/user, to optimize energy efficiency, and to adapt its operation to signals from the public grid (energy flexibility).

The SRI occupies a special place among those indicators because the European government itself is taking the initiative to develop a tool that can serve as a standard across Europe.

Want to know more about SRI? Then read on here.

Want to know more about Smart Buildings? Contact our expert Wim Boone at wim.boone@ingenium.be or call 050 40 45 30.


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Wim Boone

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