
Augmented Reality app helps solve technical problems quickly and efficiently

Augmented Reality app helps solve technical problems quickly and efficiently

BIM in the full life cycle of a building

Ingenium prides itself on closely following trends in the sector and responding to them when we can create added value for our clients as a result. When 10 years ago the whole BIM thing was still in its infancy, Ingenium was already going with this and we were an absolute pioneer in this.

In the design phase of a project, BIM has pretty much become the standard. And more and more contractors are also turning to BIM in the execution phase. We go one step further because we want to offer advice throughout the entire life cycle and thus in every phase of the building. This teaches us that the biggest cost of a building is made in the operation phase!

Heel wat gebouweigenaars, facility managers en onderhoudsfirma’s kijken de richting van BIM  uit om de voordelen hiervan ook in de exploitatiefase in te zetten. En hier willen we dan ook volop op inspelen door de lead te nemen voor het implementeren van de BIM-methodiek in de exploitatiefase van gebouwen. Door de gebouweigenaar actief bij te staan in het beheer van zijn patrimonium, kunnen we via Augmented Reality een meerwaarde binnen het asset management creëren. Met dit idee gaan we concreet aan de slag in samenwerking met Savaco, In The Pocket, en Vandemoortele.

Case Vandemoortele

Vandemoortele recently moved into their new Food Experience Center along the E17 in Ghent. For this new building Vandemoortele already drew the BIM card, both in design and execution phase. After delivery, they want to continue working with their BIM model in the execution phase. For HVAC, SPIE worked out a BIM model based on Ingenium's design model.

Together with Vandemoortele, we are working on a case where we want to use Augmented Reality as a solution to some of the problems they face every day when managing their patrimony.


Suppose... Several complaints come in that it is too hot in conference room 1A. And of course Vandemoortele wants to guarantee the comfort of all users at all times. So the technician on duty immediately goes in search of the cause of the problem. The information he would need for this is spread over several documents: plans, sheets, but also sensor data, temperature settings or valve positions in the building management system... Retrieving and analyzing this information is complex, incomplete and time-consuming.

And this is precisely where an app that uses Augmented Reality to display, for example, the position of the six-way valve of the climate ceiling in conference room 1A, the air intake temperature of the ventilation air and where exactly a valve in error position is located in the false ceiling, can provide an efficient and correct analysis of the problem. And, therefore, this problem can be addressed quickly and purposefully: it is no longer necessary to search for exactly where above the false ceiling the problem is located. In no time at all you can be brainstorming again in this meeting room with the necessary comfort.


Dankzij een AR-app worden verborgen technische onderdelen gevisualiseerd op nauwkeurige wijze: een verkeerde planlezing is niet mogelijk. Er is niet langer tegenstrijdige of ontbrekende informatie: de nodige informatie (BIM-model & gekoppelde technische info) is opgeslagen op een Common Data Environment en wordt zo een ‘single source of truth’.

By bringing together both static and dynamic data from ventilation, heating and cooling into one model, their impact on comfort can be easily read. Thus, necessary measures can be taken to further optimize occupant comfort.


Door met een Augmented Reality-app zowel BIM-visualisatie van verborgen technische onderdelen (bv. zeswegskraan), weergave van technische BIM-informatie (bv. type klep, telefoonnummer servicefirma …) en visualisatie van de sensorinformatie (bv. temperatuur inblaaslucht) voor iedereen beschikbaar te maken, kunnen comfortklachten sneller en efficiënter aangepakt worden.

The increased comfort, ease of use, time savings, and the reduction of the risk of making mistakes are the biggest advantages here. By projecting the sensor information onto reality in a simple, intuitive manner, errors due to difficult analyses of the building management system and time losses due to look-up work are greatly reduced.

Denk je dat Augmented Reality ook in jouw gebouw een boeiende toepassing kan vinden? Of wil je op de hoogte blijven van dit project? Laat je gegevens hier achter en wij sturen je onze bevindingen en resultaten door.


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Niels Vercaemst

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