Advice heat networks

Ingenium has been advising grid operator Fluvius on various heat grid-related project questions since 2014.




Study: 2014 - present

Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks

Advice heat networks

Ingenium has been advising grid operator Fluvius on various heat grid-related project questions since 2014.

Some examples are:

Study on making a number of heat networks more sustainable, including New South Antwerp

Advice on and/or drafting of the application file for the procedure for the derogation request for external heat supply (EPB) for, among others: Hoogstraten, Dessel/Mol, Kuurne/Harelbeke, Roeselare, Nieuw Zuid Antwerpen (phase 1 and 2), Blue Gate Antwerpen,...

Supervision of a number of grant files for the Flemish Government's Green Heat Call

Study of connecting an existing residential building to New South's heat grid

A number of impact studies of technologies on the EPB results of new buildings (impact of combi loops, impact of connection to a heat grid,...)

Advice heat networks

Advice heat networks

Ingenium has been advising grid operator Fluvius on various heat grid-related project questions since 2014.




Study: 2014 - present

Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks

Advice heat networks

Ingenium has been advising grid operator Fluvius on various heat grid-related project questions since 2014.

Some examples are:

Study on making a number of heat networks more sustainable, including New South Antwerp

Advice on and/or drafting of the application file for the procedure for the derogation request for external heat supply (EPB) for, among others: Hoogstraten, Dessel/Mol, Kuurne/Harelbeke, Roeselare, Nieuw Zuid Antwerpen (phase 1 and 2), Blue Gate Antwerpen,...

Supervision of a number of grant files for the Flemish Government's Green Heat Call

Study of connecting an existing residential building to New South's heat grid

A number of impact studies of technologies on the EPB results of new buildings (impact of combi loops, impact of connection to a heat grid,...)

Advice heat networks
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Advice heat networks

Ingenium has been advising grid operator Fluvius on various heat grid-related project questions since 2014.




Study: 2014 - present

Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks
Advice heat networks

Advice heat networks

Ingenium has been advising grid operator Fluvius on various heat grid-related project questions since 2014.

Some examples are:

Study on making a number of heat networks more sustainable, including New South Antwerp

Advice on and/or drafting of the application file for the procedure for the derogation request for external heat supply (EPB) for, among others: Hoogstraten, Dessel/Mol, Kuurne/Harelbeke, Roeselare, Nieuw Zuid Antwerpen (phase 1 and 2), Blue Gate Antwerpen,...

Supervision of a number of grant files for the Flemish Government's Green Heat Call

Study of connecting an existing residential building to New South's heat grid

A number of impact studies of technologies on the EPB results of new buildings (impact of combi loops, impact of connection to a heat grid,...)

Advice heat networks

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