
Will SAMGA silos soon play key role in Antwerp district heat grid?

Will SAMGA silos soon play key role in Antwerp district heat grid?

At the Noordkasteel in Antwerp, where city and port meet, are the historic silos of the SA des Magasins à Grains d'Anvers (SAMGA). These relics from the old port landscape are industrial heritage.

De komst van de Oosterweelverbinding zal de omgeving van het Noordkasteel en de SAMGA-silo’s echter grondig transformeren. AG VESPA, het Antwerps autonoom gemeentebedrijf voor vastgoed en stadsprojecten, verkent daarom de diverse functies die deze bijzondere gebouwen in de toekomst zouden kunnen opnemen. Ze zullen als input dienen voor het ontwerpteam dat dit najaar aan de slag gaat met de bovengrondse transformatie van deze ‘Ringpark Noordkasteel’ site.

Together with Arcadis, Ingenium is investigating the potential of the SAMGA silos for a possible Antwerp district heat grid. It is looking at whether the old grain silos can be converted into large-scale heat buffers so that the potential supply of residual heat from the port can be matched with the heat demand from the city. This could greatly increase the share of waste heat in the production mix of the future heat grid. Both options for a seasonal buffer and a daily buffer are being studied. In addition, whether a peak heat plant for the heat grid in or adjacent to the current buildings is realistic is being investigated, and options for additional alternative and/or renewable heat sources for the heat grid are being considered.

Ingenium previously worked with Arcadis and Atelier Horizon on the vision and trajectory for the Ring Heat Backbone around the city.

Source photos: Lantis (builder Oosterweel connection)

More information? Contact our expert Joris Dedecker by e-mail(joris.dedecker@ingenium.be) or by phone: 050 40 45 30


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Joris Dedecker

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